Goodwin says that pop videos are used to reinforce a brand image. Goodwin can be seen to be right as Katy Perry portrays this idea in her music videos.
Katy's music video 'Firework' was released in 2011, this portrayed a positive image as the key message in the video is to 'Be yourself'. Katy Perry's music videos tend to be of a high production value as they always consist of specials affects, actors and expensive settings. In addition to this they always tell a story with is related to the lyrics and they music video, this music video displays characters going through difficult stages in their life that any teenager would have had to face such as coming to terms with sexuality, self conscious about weight, family problems or struggling to fit in with others. All these elements are evident to be over comed due to the lyrics in the video as they support the idea of escapism and originality. Katy's target audience are teenagers, this music video is more specifically targeted at young girls aged 12-18 as this is their most venerable stage. Katy promotes herself as a big sister to young girls and someone to admire in a positive way and will be encouraged to be listened to by parents/guardians as her music can be seem as motivation.
One of Katy's other music video 'California girls' portrays a different side to Katy as she doesn't display these elements of motivation in this music video. This pop video displays a more sexy Katy as her costumes are more reveling and nudity is evident in the video. At this piont in Katy's life she can be seen to be going through Miley Cyrus's current stage of feeling young, free and sexy which is why she shows a more loose image. In addition to this she was married to a famous comedian/Actor Russel Brand who was also known as a sex addict. The couple were completly in love with eachother at this stage which can be seen as a reason why Katy wanted to look sexy as well due to the influence of Russell. Because of this new look Katy gradually drifts aways from her target audience, mostly her young female audience as they wouldnt want to have an image which will portray themsleves as a whore. However some elements to Katy's video's hasnt changed in this one as a story is still being told and has the production value is high. Katy displays a more cool concept to this video which is supported by the lyrics as she bigs up the 'Westcoast' in America and brings a highly rated rappper Snoop Dog in the hope to make the video cooler.
Moving on to her following music video 'wide awake' the begining of this videommakes it look as if 'California girls' was just an act as it starts off how 'California girls' ended. Katy does this in order to get back to her original target audience by sending a message saying the previous music video was not real. This transition was because of the situation in her personal life at that period as she was going through a stage of divource with Russell Brand. Katy realises how big of a mistake she made getting married to him as Russell never really loved her. It was also mentioned by the press that Russel admitted to having to think of other women whenver hima and Katy were having sexual intercourse. It turn out that Russel wasnt the man Katy thought he was which was what influenced the title of this pop video to be 'wide awake' as it symblies her seeing Russel for who he actually is. The music video itself consists of her admitting mistakes she has made and the start of a new begining. The music video is of a hgih production value once again as it is like a mini film. It also tells a story just like her other music videos do. Implication of Katy going back to who she use to be, someone to admire and a role model are evident throughout the video. The presence of the little girl in the video symbolise her trying to reach out to her younger target audience once again as it suggests the idea of girl power. At the end of the video Katy releases a butterfly, this can be seem to be a sign of a new life for Katy in her music as well as her personal life.
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